Graduation Gifts - 6 Tips for The Perfect Graduation Celebration

THE friendships forged at university and college are often the ones that shape us, enrich our lives and last forever," Gillian Crawford, founder Lily Blanche
I am a veteran of several graduations – son’s, daughter’s, sisters’, mother’s not to mention my own – so I am acutely aware that helpful information and top tips for the day can make a huge difference to the enjoyment of this wonderful event. Graduation, whether from high school, college or university is a one-off event which comes after years of effort. You only have one chance to get it right so it is helpful to know what to expect.
Give a Charm bracelet and add a charm for every milestone
Here are my top six tips for a fantastic graduation celebration:
- Allow more time than you think you could possible need. Plan months ahead. Book the restaurant three months in advance. Be at the venue at least 90 minutes ahead of the ceremony.
- Take a brolly, comfortable shoes and plenty of tissues. You will be queuing. Much of it may be outdoors. There will be lump in the throat moments.
- Give the graduate plenty to time to take photos with friends. As well as a proud and happy day, they are saying goodbye to a way of life. It will be a day of mixed emotions. Respect that and don't rush those goodbyes.
- You cannot take too many photos. Make sure you have spare camera memory/ power packs/ film. Your photos will be mementos you enjoy forever. Primarily this is a day about making memories.
- It will be a whirlwind so find a quiet spot to rest and reflect between events. Tell them how proud you are. Give them a hug.
- Give a meaningful and memorable gift that they can treasure forever and which will always remind them of their achievement, especially when the going gets tough

Six Great gifts for graduates:
- A Lily Blanche Locket with photos and engraving
- A personalised photobook of their university or college years.
- A charm bracelet with a new charm added for every milestone reached.
- A Spotify or Audible subscription.
- A Secret message locket to tell them you’re so proud.
- An autograph book filled with messages from their year group

Six messages to inscribe on a graduate’s locket
- Follow your dreams
- Carpe Diem
- Spread Your Wings
- Their initials and date of the ceremony
- Explore. Discover. Dream.
- You Did It!

Six photos for your graduate's Memory Keeper Locket
- Their first day at college/ university
- Mum, dad, siblings
- Favourite pet
- Best friend from home
- Their dream trip
- The quotation that inspires them